Henry Stewart Dimes
- Born: 1863, Crondall, Hampshire, England
- Christened: 17 Jan 1864, Crondall, Hampshire, England
- Marriage (1): Kate Wooderson in 1890
- Died: 1921, Crondall, Hampshire, England at age 58
General Notes:
1881 Census. Agricultural Labourer. 1891 Census worked for Dealer, living in Pankridge Street, Crondall, in house with 4 rooms. 1900 went Bankrupt as an Agricultural labourer and dealer in underwood. Bankruptcy Adjudication on 3 Jun 1900. 1901 Census Agricultural Labourer.
Henry married Kate Wooderson in 1890. (Kate Wooderson was born in 1867 in Crondall, Hampshire, England and died on 22 Nov 1932 in Crondall, Hampshire, England.)